Don't you just love treats with Rice Krispies in 'em? Mixed with chocolate, peanut butter, butterscotch chips, marshmallows, just about anything you add to the crispy little critters, you can't go wrong. Their very presence yells, "PARTY!"
Do I hear an amen?
So with this simple concoction, a crunchily delicious pie crust that you smush into the bottom of a pan then top with softened ice cream. Add, of course, any other toppings you find crucial to your happiness.
4 c. crispy rice cereal
1 c. chocolate chips
1/2 c. butter

Butter a springform pan (the kind you use to make cheesecake). Set aside.
Pour Rice Krispies into large bowl.
In saucepan over low heat, melt chocolate and butter.
Pour melted chocolate mixture over cereal and stir to coat.

Pour cereal mixture into prepared pan. Smush down to make crust. (I use plastic wrap and my hand to do the smushing.) Freeze for about 30 minutes.
After about 15 minutes, take out from the freezer your favorite ice cream flavor (or three) and set on counter to soften. When ice cream has softened (about 15 minutes), remove crust from freezer, and fill with the ice cream.
One regular carton of ice cream should be enough, or three smallish, Ben & Jerry's-type cartons for a special occasion.

Fill 'er up. Place back in freezer to harden a bit.

A few minutes before you're ready to serve, remove sides of pan. Cut pie into wedges (warning: the crust will be firm and a tad bit of sawing with serrated knife necessary). Top with chocolate sauce, raspberry sauce, marshmallow sauce -- whatever floats your boat.

Voila! C'est magnifique! (Sorry, that's my high school French coming out. If I knew how to say "instant party," I would, but I got only as far as French II. Tant pis. Which, I am hoping, means "too bad.")
Note: For more great kitchen tips, visit Tammy at
Kitchen Tip Tuesdays.
Labels: desserts